How to install different PHP versions on XAMPP

It is quite a while (several computers ago) that I installed XAMPP for the first time and, although other solutions as Docker or virtual...


The difference between observability and monitoring

There are different positions on whether observability and monitoring are two sides of the same coin. We are going to...

How to share a folder in VirtualBox with a Windows host and a Linux guest

VirtualBox is an open-source, cross-platform virtualization software that allows you to run multiple guest operating systems (virtual machines) simultaneously. That makes...

htaccess to redirect a url, file, or folder

Sometimes, in web and app development or deployment operations, you need to insert some rules in the .htaccess file at...

How to resize a VirtualBox vmdk file

If you want to end having back a vmdk hard disk (maybe you are interested in using the disk in...