web development

How to setup Google Ads conversions in WordPress with Site Kit

When creating a Google Ads campaign for a website, a very important step is to setup the conversion actions of...

Insert contact button when woocommerce product price is empty

In some clients’ WordPress and WooCommerce based ecommerces the need appeared to replace the normal “Add to cart” button with...

The difference between observability and monitoring

There are different positions on whether observability and monitoring are two sides of the same coin. We are going to...

How to share a folder in VirtualBox with a Windows host and a Linux guest

VirtualBox is an open-source, cross-platform virtualization software that allows you to run multiple guest operating systems (virtual machines) simultaneously. That makes...

Remove a url from Google

You may at some point need to remove a URL from Google so that it no longer appears in search...

htaccess to redirect a url, file, or folder

Sometimes, in web and app development or deployment operations, you need to insert some rules in the .htaccess file at...